It is advisable to clarify that are considered as aeronautical cases those that were observed from aircrafts. This chapter describes five significant cases arisen in various continents and which were the object of an inquiry on behalf of the authorities of the concerned countries. In four cases objects were discovered at the same moment visually and by radar. In the fifth they were observed by numerous independent witnesses.


Teheran ( September 18 to 19, 1976)


This incident took place in the night from 18 till 19 September 1976. Various newspapers of the whole world told it more or less faithfully, for example France-Soir in the paper dated September 21. An American citizen engaged laborious steps with the American authorities to obtain from it a report, by calling upon the law on the freedom of the information. He obtained it finally from the Defence Intelligence Agency ( DIA ). The other American documents were since then obtained.

Interviews of generals and the Iranian air-traffic controller, involved in this affair, allow to consolidate the report of the DIA. The reading of the group leads to the following summary :

- At about 11 o'clock in the evening, on September 18, the control tower of the airport of Teheran receives several calls indicating an immovable strange brilliant object in the sky over Shemiran's residential area, in the north part of the capital. The responsible for the night shift, Hossain Perouzi, goes out to observe the object to the twin. He showed to have seen a rectangle, corresponding probably to a cylindrical object, to extremities of which pulse lights of color white-blue. In the middle of the object, a small red light describes a circle. Perouzi reports this strange observation to the commander of the imperial Air Force, which notifies the general Youssefi, number three of this army. This one goes out on the balcony and sees an object similar to a star, but much bigger and more brilliant; he orders the sending of a jet plane Phantom F-4 the mission of which he steers through Perouzi.

- When F-4 arrives at 45 km of the object, its instruments of flight and all its communications ( radio and intercom ) stop abruptly working. The pilot stops the interception and goes to the base. The crew gets back then the usage of its instruments and its communications.

- The second F-4 is sent by the general Youssefi. The echo of the UFO on its screen is similar to that of the Boeing 707. F-4 approaches the UFO in a relative speed of 280 kph. When he reaches 45 km of this one, the UFO accelerates and is held in a constant distance of 45 km of F-4. The crew can not discern visually the size of the object, because it shines intensely. The brightness results from lights arranged in rectangle, passing quickly of the blue in the green, in the red and in the orange.

- Suddenly, a brilliant object, of visible diameter half or the third) of that of the Moon, fate of the UFO and goes quickly to F-4. The pilot tries to fire a missile Sidewinder at the object, but at this same moment his control panel of shot and his communications become ineffective. He makes quickly a bend and a dive, but the object changes direction and pursues the plane at a distance about 6 km. Finally, the object passes inside the bend of F-4 and leaves to reinstate the UFO of which it went out.

- A bit further, an object goes out again of the UFO and goes quickly to the ground, upright. The crew of F-4 expects to see it exploding, but the object seems to arise slowly and spreads a very deep light on an area from 2 to 3 km in diameter. The crew, for a moment dazzled, orbits during the necessary time to get back its night vision before settling on the aerodrome of Teheran. He notes the loss of his communications every time their plane crosses a certain zone. It is advisable to clarify that a civil plane also lost its communications when it crossed this zone. During the day, the crew is driven in helicopter to the place where had apparently landed the object, the dried out lake, but it finds there no track.

A note annexes of the DIA was as surprising as the report itself; she clarified that the information had been confirmed by the other sources, and ended by this appreciation : " A remarkable report. This case is a classical author who gathered all the conditions required for a valid study of the phenomenon UFO :

A. The object was seen by multiple witnesses situated in various places,
B. The credibility of many witnesses was big (a general of aviation, qualified crews and experimented air-traffic controllers),
C. The visual observations were confirmed by radar,
D. Effects electromagnetic similar were reported by three different crews,
E. There were physiological effects on certain members of the crew (loss of night vision due to the brilliancy of the object),
F. an extraordinary degree of maneuvrability was shown by the UFO." The attempt of opening to the police of this case done by Klass shows it all the solidity.


C Lakenheath (United Kingdom) ( August 13-14, 1956)

C The plane RB-47 in the United States ( July 17, 1957)

C Russia ( March 21, 1990)

C San Carlos of Bariloche ( July 31, 1995)


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